Wednesday, 19 March 2014

New Zealand High School, Not teaching Students Right and inappropriate relationship and behavior

Are Teachers Teaching Right ?

New Zealand high school students at a south Auckland, what will be unnamed feel that they are not because taught right and not getting the marks that a need to past NCEQ and get into the course they then to get into jobs later in life

Most Students drop out after year 12 or some before hand at year 11, what is a growing problem, because they will most likely not get a job or one with little pay and end up on the benefit, what us hard working taxes pays have to pay for.

For the people who stay in school are they really getting the right qualification because there are some teacher, don't really know how to teach at all they sit there and just give the students workbooks and say "do this" and don't so them how to do it, and that to me does not sound right... then you have teachers who are the best and teach and show you how to do everything and help when they need help, i think there need to something like 10 week reviews, and ask students what they think and how are there finding the classes and how are the teacher

In the news lately there have been reports of teacher inappropriate relationship and behavior 

there are currently 187 teachers under investigation for inappropriate behavior,
so Before you think about sending your kids back to school, stop and think, is this really the best school for my kids 

Thanks for your Times
Articles Below

Teacher faked cancer to get close to student

Published: 12:26PM Tuesday March 18, 2014 

A teacher who pretended to be dying of cancer to form an inappropriate relationship with a student's mother has been de-registered by the Teachers' Disciplinary Tribunal.

In a decision published today, the tribunal censured the female teacher, cancelled her registration, and ordered her to pay 40 per cent of the complainant's costs.
The decision said she abused her position as a headmistress and a classroom teacher to pursue an inappropriate and abusive relationship with a female pupil with the intention of fostering an intimate relationship with the pupil's mother.
The tribunal has suppressed the identities of all involved.
In June 2012 the teacher met with her "crush" - a year 13 student's mother - and the student, to tell them both she was dying of cancer, the tribunal's decision said.
For seven months she "maintained and embellished" lies about terminal bladder and lung cancer to get sympathy and attention from the student and the student's mother.
The teacher told the student she loved her, and had chosen to seek treatment for her sake, the decision said.
During school time the teacher would text the student, confide in her, and speak about suicide.
She would harm herself - including overdosing and causing her throat to bleed - in order to elicit physical comfort and, in one case, resuscitation.
The student and her mother stayed at the teacher's house overnight two or three times a week "to look after her over a period of many months due to the severity of her illness", the decision said.
During this time, the women sometimes slept in the same bed.
The teacher was charged by the Complaints Assessment Committee for engaging in serious misconduct and psychological abuse of a student.
She was also charged with bringing discredit to her profession, in that she lied during her interview with the college and accepted her position under false pretences.
The teacher was a senior college headmistress at one school from November 2009 until December 12, 2012.
She then got the position of deputy principal of another college until February 4, 2013.
A psychiatric report diagnosed her with factitious disorder - a mental disorder characterised by falsifying sickness, not for concrete benefit but for special attention.
The decision said: "Any contact [the teacher] had with [the student] was driven by her desire and attempts to obtain a closer relationship with [the mother]".
It said the teacher accepted the charges, and admitted she had not sought treatment.
She said she "developed a crush" on the mother in late 2011, telling herself: "Don't do this, don't do this, it's the end of everything". She then went ahead to create the elaborate story of her failing health.
The decision said the teacher traumatised the student by lying, and re-traumatised her with the truth.
The student and her mother wanted the tribunal's decision to identify the teacher for the sake of public interest and because the names of those involved were already published online.
The council disagreed, saying this was a case "tinged with great sadness".

    NZ teachers - 187 under investigation

    Published: 8:28PM Sunday March 16, 2014 Source: ONE News
    There are currently 187 teachers under investigation for inappropriate behaviour.
    Of that number, 38 of the allegations relate to drug and alcohol abuse and 18 are for violence - anything from dragging students or hitting them to emotional abuse while the remainder are for things like dishonesty and driving offences.
    There are however 31 teachers facing allegations of sexual misconduct.
    This number includes former Waikato deputy principal Reuben Tapara who is beginning a seven year prison sentence for sexually abusing young boys.
    Alan Bell from Child Alert says teacher vetting needs to be stronger.
    Tapara's offending occurred after alarm bells were first sounded about his behaviour at another school but were then ignored.
    "If they turn into guilty pleas and convictions then it would be a very serious thing in deed, it would mean our children are being exposed to risk at the very place that should be safe," says Mr Bell.
    The paedophile's teacher registration has now been cancelled.
    The Teachers Council has only recently started collecting the information after another high profile case.
    There was widespread public anger that Northland teacher James Parker was able to continue teaching and offending for thirteen years despite complaints and police concerns about his behaviour.
    Dr Peter Lind from The Teachers Council says it's not a large percentage of teachers who offend.
    "As a percentage of over a hundred thousand it's not a particularly big number but never the less for every one case there's a story," says Mr Lind.
    "We meet regularly with New Zealand police, with Ministry of Education, with Child Youth and Family to see if there are any cases on their radar around alleged sexual misconduct or serious cases such as the James Parker case."
    Dr Lind also says that it's unlikely that suspended teachers could try and find positions at other schools.
    In the wake of criticism that it had failed to protect children, The Teachers Council is now being replaced by a new body that has more powers to investigate and prevent abusive teachers from turning up at other schools.
    Its findings will also be less secretive.

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